Come join

Work for us

At Popcorn Pictures we are always looking for new talent. If you would like to work for us, feel free to contact us at any time. When applying, please consider the following and send your application to or by post to our head office. We will try our best to contact you after reviewing your application.

  • Departments hiring
    Planning / Design / Modelling / Animation / Lighting / Composition
  • Number of positions
    Per department: New recruits: 0 positions / Experienced workers: 0 positions
  • Hiring period
    Until all places are filled
  • Qualifications
    Academic background, age, gender irrelevant
  • Required documents
    CV, Letter of Self Introduction, Portfolio
    Field of work, desired annual salary, software proficiency, photograph is required.
    *Explanations for the portfolio must be included / please indicate in what way you have contributed to each project. Application documents will not be returned.
  • Screening
    Notification only to applicants who pass the first document screening.
  • Submission
    Email ( or by post.


Below you will find our Frequently asked questions for matters relating to recruitment. Even if it does not relate to recruitment, please feel free to contact us using the contact-page if you have any queries.

  • I would like to apply for Popcorn Pictures. What should I do?
    Thank you for your interest in our Popcorn Pictures. Please send your resume, self introduction and portfolio to Support areas, yearly salaries, available software and photo attachments are required. Please also include the description of the portfolio and your work part.
  • Can I apply for multiple areas at the same time?
    You can apply for up to three other support areas.
  • Is it possible to apply even if the field I'm looking for is not on the job list?
    Yes, it is possible.
  • I have already applied for Popcorn Pictures before. Can I still apply?
    Yes, you can apply.
  • I am a foreigner living in overseas. What do you need to work in Popcorn Pictures?
    Because we mainly use Korean language within the company, we need a basic understanding of Korean language.
  • Do I need a demo reel in my portfolio?
    It is not absolutely necessary.
  • It is still a student. Is internship support available?
    Yes, it is possible.
  • After applying to Popcorn Pictures, will I receive a response that the application is complete?
    We will send out the letter that we received after receipt.
  • What software does Popcorn Pictures handle? What software is the plus factor when dealing with it?
    Maya is mainly covered.